Dr. Temirov Nemat Moydunovich
Dean of the faculty
Address: Kyrgyz Republic, Jalal-Abad, Suzak district, Zhar kyshtak village,
ATF body
E-mail: contact@jasu.kg
• Department: Anatomy and Physiology
• Department: Biomedical disciplines
• Department: Hospital Therapy
• Department: General Surgery
• Department: Humanitarian disciplines
• Department: Surgery and Traumatology
• Department: Pharmaceutical technology and chemistry
• Department: Morphological disciplines and public health
• Department: Propaedeutics of Internal Medicine and Family Medicine
• Department: Obstetrics and Pediatrics
Mission of the Faculty of Medicine:
Training of a competitive, competent medical pharmaceutical workforce with all the skills in the field of biomedical, clinical, behavioral and social sciences for the implementation of professional activities, ready to learn at the postgraduate level and throughout life, able to contribute to the improvement of the health care system and medical education, in economic and social development of the country; focused on global competition in the country and in the world space based on the integration of the educational process, research and clinical practice.
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The Jalal-Abad State University was founded by the President of the Kyrgyz Republic based on decree from April 2, 1993 as a state educational institution destined to train specialists with basic and complete higher education in such areas as medicine, electronics, energy, construction, education, also training the specialists in the agro-industrial area .
The Jalal-Abad State University is keeping the leadership in the field of global education during the whole period, by creating possibilities to get education not only for the citizens of Kyrgyzstan ,but also for a large number of foreign students.
The Faculty of Medicine at JASU was founded in 1994 and closed on the basis of the order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Kyrgyz Republic on September 27, 2000 No. 595/1 and by the decision of the Academic Council of JASU (minutes No. 2 of September 25, 2000).
Due to the activities the Faculty of Medicine is going beyond the borders of the Kyrgyz Republic, contributing to the global diversity of curricula designed for students, graduates of medical universities, and for budding healthcare professionals within the country, and also trains specialists for near and far abroad.
Educational directions
JASU Medical Faculty performs training of doctors with basic university education in the following specialities:
- General Medicine
- Pharmacy
- General Medicine based on 12 years education (for foreign students)
Students are trained according to the curricula drawn up in strict accordance with governmental educational standards, providing competent approach for education. The faculty conducts all types of internship planned by the State Educational Standards.
Programs of the final state examination of graduates in the specialties: 560001 “General Medicine”, 560005 “Pharmacy”
№ | Speciality | Basic Education Program | Graduate Model |
1 | 560001 “General Medicine” | BEP | Graduate Model 2021 |
2 | 560005 “Pharmacy” | BEP | Graduate Model 2021 |
3 | “General Medicine” based on 12 years education | BEP | Graduate Model 2021 |
Faculty structure
In 2000, the faculty had three departments: the Department of Medical and Biological Disciplines, the head of the department was the candidate of biological sciences and parasitologist T.M. Moldopiyazova. Department of General Medical Disciplines.-head of the department was the Candidate of Medical Sciences, surgeon M. A. Abdykadyrov. The head of the Department of Internal Diseases –the head of the department was Candidate of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor A.A. Abdyldaev. There were 3 doctors of sciences and 8 candidates of sciences working in all three departments.
Currently, the faculty includes:
- Dean’s office;
- Organizational and methodological department;
- Centers for integrative and practical learning;
- Laboratories:
- Scientific and chemical laboratory
- Laboratory of Clinical Biochemistry;
- Phyto – pharmaceutical scientific – research laboratory;
- Morphological laboratory;
- Laboratory of toxicological chemistry;
- Laboratory of drug technology;
- Laboratory for experimental modeling of pathological processes with a vivarium;
- 9 specialized departments:
Theoretical departments:
- Department of Anatomy and Physiology
- Department of Pharmacy and Biomedical Disciplines
- Department of Morphological Disciplines and Public Health
Clinical departments:
- Department of Obstetrics and Pediatrics
- Department of Hospital Therapy
- Department of propaedeutics of internal diseases and family medicine
- Department of General Surgery
- Department of Surgical Diseases and Traumatology
Material base of the faculty:
The theoretical departments of the faculty (anatomy and topographic anatomy; histology, cytology and embryology; physics, medical informatics and biology; microbiology and virology; basic and clinical pharmacology; epidemiology; normal physiology; pathological physiology; chemistry and biochemistry, etc.) are located mainly in the building ATF microdistrict Sputnik. Using 6 lecture halls, a library hall, 4 computer rooms, 79 educational and 4 laboratory rooms, 1 vivarium, an anatomical hall, the Museum “Adam Tanu” , 4 administrative offices. Anatomical 3D tables are installed in 3 classrooms.
The new campus houses classrooms of the Department of Propaedeutics of Internal Diseases, and part of it is used by theoretical departments to study morphological disciplines. There are also classrooms with the necessary models for obtaining practical skills in therapy, surgery, obstetrics and pediatrics.
Departments of clinical profile (therapeutic disciplines for the specialty of general medicine; general and faculty surgery; medical psychology, psychiatry and psychotherapy are located at the clinical bases on Pushkin street 148/a.
In the same place, on the basis of each department, there are centers of clinical skills with modern demonstration and certification dummies for the work of students and for assessing acquired skills in clinical disciplines.
The Department of Hospital Therapy is based at the South Regional Scientific Center for Cardiovascular Surgery. All departments of the URNCSS have modern technologies for the treatment and diagnosis of internal diseases. All employees conduct medical diagnostic and advisory work in the departments of the URNTSSSH.
Department of General Surgery (Urology; Traumatology and Orthopedics; Neurology, Medical Genetics and Neurosurgery; Dermatovenereology and Phthisiology; Infectious and Non-Infectious Diseases; Pediatric Surgery; Oncology and Radiation Therapy; Ophthalmology; Otorhinolaryngology; Fundamentals of Medical Knowledge) – preventive institutions and medical centers of urban subordination.
The Department of Obstetrics and Pediatrics has classrooms on the basis of the maternity hospital.
According to the order of the Ministry of Health No. 680 dated September 29, 2018 “On approval of the list of clinical bases of higher and secondary medical educational organizations of the Kyrgyz Republic”, the medical faculty of JASU is assigned to 27 medical and preventive institutions.
Currently uses the following clinical bases:
- Jalal-Abad regional united hospital
- Jalal-Abad regional center of family medicine
- Family medicine center of Suzak region
- Suzak Territorial Hospital named after S. Djoldosheva
- Center for general medical practice in Kok-Jangak
- Family medicine center of Bazar-Korgon region
- Territorial hospital of Bazar-Korgon district
- Family medicine center of Nooken region
- Territorial hospital of Nooken region
- Center for Family Medicine in Kochkor-Ata
- Territorial hospital of Kochkor-Ata
- Family medicine center in Tash-Kumyr
- Territorial hospital of Tash-Kumyr
- Center for General Medical Practice, town. Shamaldy-Sai
- Center for General Medical Practice in Mailuu-Suu
- Center for General Medical Practice in Kara-Kul
- Family medicine center of Toktogul region
- Territorial hospital of Toktogul region
- Territorial hospital of Aksy region
- Family medicine center of Aksy district
- Family medicine center of Ala-Buka district
- Territorial hospital of Ala-Buka district
- Center for General Medical Practice p. Sumsar of Chatkal region
- Center of general medical practice of Chatkal region
- Center of general medical practice of Toguz-Toro district
- Osh Interregional Clinical Hospital
- Osh City Clinical Hospital
6-storey clinic for 100 beds with a polyclinic is under construction and will be put into operation by 01.09. 2022. There is a hostel for students with conditions and amenities, separately for girls and separately for boys.
There is a canteen for students, where dishes are prepared for students, taking into account their national characteristics.
Teaching staff
The educational process is provided by 164 teachers, of which 125 are full-time, 33% of whom have academic degrees and titles.
Among staff members: 8 – doctors of sciences, professor, 50 – candidates of sciences, associate professors.
Among them: 3 Honored Doctors of the Kyrgyz Republic, 1 Honored Health Worker. 1 Honored Worker of Education. 15 teachers have the badge “Excellent Health Worker of the Kyrgyz Republic”. Excellent student of education – 12 doctors of the highest category – 25, owners of gold medals – 1. Excellent student of physical culture – 5 teachers.

Research activities
The faculty conducts scientific work in all areas of medicine, chemistry, biology and morphology.
The scientific direction of the faculty: “Studying the features of the spread, development, course, treatment, management and prevention of non-communicable diseases in the southern region of the Kyrgyz Republic.
Scientists of the faculty actively participate in scientific and practical events of various significance. The existence of the faculty, the staff of the departments published 3 textbooks, 4 monographs, 25 educational and teaching aids, more than 30 articles and theses.
For the period from 2017 to 2021, 7 dissertations for the degree of candidates of sciences and 1 PhD were defended; 227 scientific articles published in foreign and local journals; 3 teaching aids and 2 monographs were published. Also, 16 scientific events were held (seminars, round tables, conferences)
Excellent students, activists of Student Scientific Society and amateur performances are awarded with diplomas, prizes, and are presented for the appointment of nominal scholarships of the President of the Kyrgyz Republic.

The international cooperation
The faculty has extensive contacts with related medical universities, faculties, centers and research institutes of the Russian Federation: SZGMU im. I.I. Mechnikov and Tyumen State Medical University, and many others. etc. Pakistan, Bangladesh, India.
In recent years, contractual memorandums have been concluded with universities in the Central Asian region: the Tajik Medical University, the Andijan Medical Institute and the Bukhara State Medical Institute, the Samarkand State Medical Institute, the Urgench branch of the Tashkent Medical Academy. In total, more than 10 cooperation agreements (contracts) have been concluded.

Currently, more than 3,300 students are studying, 100% of them on a contract basis.
The student body is multinational. In addition to the Kyrgyz citizens, among the students there are citizens of Russia, Kazakhstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, and countries from far abroad.
Students are trained from far-abroad countries – Pakistan, Bangladesh, Nepal, South Korea, including India. Indian students have been studying in English since 2018.

The governing body of student life at the faculty is the Youth Parliament, which is formed by election. Together with the dean’s office, the youth parliament participates in the public life of the faculty, university, city. Together with the dean’s office, organizes birthdays of the faculty, holidays of the faculty, university (“Profession is life!”, “New Year”, “Nooruz” White Coat Ceremony), competitions and olympiads, festivals, sports competitions, charitable and professional events . Actively participates in events held by the Mayor of the city of Jalal-Abad (Flag Day of the Kyrgyz Republic, Kolpak Day, Day of the “State Language”), participate in city cleaning maraphons.
Student life:

Many students of the faculty participate with interest Research work. Since 2018, the Council of Young Scientists and Students has been functioning at the faculty, and scientific circles have been actively working at the departments.
In June 2016, the first graduation of doctors took place, and after successful state certification – 56 doctors. Year after year, the faculty expands its “geographical boundaries”. Students from different regions of Kyrgyzstan and other countries study at the Medical Faculty of JASU: Pakistan, India, Bangladesh, Nepal, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan.
The Faculty of Medicine opened the Anatomical Museum, which replenishes the exhibits every year. The material and technical base is constantly updated. Students are engaged in equipped classrooms, computer classes equipped with modern office equipment.
There is a center of manipulation skills that allows students to hone their skills on injections, artificial respiration, heart massage and much more on dummies.
Nonresident students of the medical faculty of JASU live in comfortable hostels.

The Faculty of Medicine actively cooperates with all regional and municipal medical institutions of the city of Jalal-Abad. Medical institutions of the city are equipped with the latest equipment.
The Faculty of Medicine of JASU trains doctors for countries near and far abroad, training is conducted in Russian and English.
From the life of the medical faculty: