
JASU Medial Olympiad on family planning

JASU Medial Olympiad on family planning held at student town ground. Students from 2nd year to 4th participated and showed their talents. прошла очередная ежегодная выставка студентов медицинского факультета – 2023, на этот раз была выбрана тема: “Планирование семьи”, на которой студенты демонстрировали передовые технологии и последние достижения в этой отрасли. За годы своей работы […]
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7th Doing Good Anniversary Freshers Party Live Concert

Love was in the air last night at the Jalal-Abad State University’s live concert! Our talented musicians serenaded the audience with love songs, creating a romantic atmosphere that left everyone feeling warm and fuzzy inside. It was a night filled with beautiful music, amazing performances and lots of love. It was truly a magical night! […]
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