
The histology community celebrates Histology Professionals Day

Every year on March 10th, the histology community celebrates Histology Professionals Day, a day dedicated to honoring the important work that histologists do behind the scenes, saving lives one slide at a time. Behalf of this JASU organized a presentation program about Histology Day. our students interestingly participated. сообщество гистологов отмечает День профессионалов в области […]
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Basic rules and methods for performing injections

Basic rules and methods for performing injections. Trainings for students of the direction of “Pharmacy” continues. The purpose of the training is to develop skills for performing injections, taking medicines and taking blood for research using simulation equipment. In the classroom there is an analysis of the algorithms for performing the above skills with a […]
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Holi Celebration at JASU

Хо́ли (хинди होली), также известный как Пха́гвах (или Бходжпу́ри) и Фестиваль красок — ежегодный индуистский фестиваль весны.Холи – древний индийский праздник, символизирующий наступление весны, возрождение жизни и изгнание зла. С давних пор в этот день забываются ссоры и прощаются обиды, чтобы все могли окунуться в яркую и красочную атмосферу праздника и веселья. Сегодня возле студенческого […]
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Jalal-Abad Premier League Season 9

JASU has finally come to the most awaited Jalal-Abad Premier League Season 9. It was a great start with firing auctions for the best players and an absolutely stunning logo launch. It’s gonna be a spirt fight between 21 teams for the most prestigious championship. We wish all the teams and sponsors all the best […]
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1st round of Jalal-Abad Got Talent Season

The 1st round of Jalal-Abad Got Talent Season. The theme of the event is bring our student talent to outside. Students performed songs in different languages, danced and played instruments. The jury consisted of teachers of the faculty. The competition was attended by students of all courses, as well as a team from Osh State […]
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Kyrgyz Republic celebrates the Flag Day

Every year on March 3, the Kyrgyz Republic celebrates the Flag Day. The celebration which was started by President of the country No. 270 “On the State Flag of the Kyrgyz Republic” dated June 10, 2009 in order to educate the citizens of Kyrgyzstan in the spirit of patriotism and respect for the symbols of […]
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Online post-testing methods with the Kahoot application

The field of education is changing so rapidly that you must keep up with it and adapt to more modern strategies. Otherwise, it may be difficult for you to fit in. Teachers are trying to avoid this scenario in their classes as much as possible by finding different methods of engaging their students in learning. […]
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